Draw a Dotted Line Animal Custom Shape in Photoshop

Create a dotted line in a custom animal shape in Photoshop with the help of an existing image. A different way to create a dotted line shape line, box, circle and other custom shapes objects.

Steps to create an image of a custom animal shape with dotted lines in Photoshop

1. Insert the selected image into Photoshop
2. Selection with

3. Then create a new layer

4. Activate new layer 2, click the selection tool, point the mouse over the image and right click the mouse, and select Make Work Path.

5. Hide the elephant image and only show the make work path line.

6. Select the Pen Tool, Path and Shape.

If the line doesn't appear, press the pen tool, select the shape category, fill it blank, change the stroke to white, change the line thickness to 3mm, select the dotted line type, and if necessary set the dotted line in more options.

And want to set the spacing between lines and line length. See the picture for more options and set dash and gap.

7. After customizing the shape of the elephant on the outside, then outline the shape on the inside. Here you can do it manually, use the pen tool to form a dotted line.

Activate the elephant animation and start creating dashed lines with the pen tool.

You can replace the dotted line before and after creating the dotted line. With the Pen Tool, slowly follow all the lines that match the image. It takes time to make and patience.


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