How to Enter or Login to a Blogger or Blogspot Account

Here's how to log into a Blogspot (blogger) account, hopefully, these simple instructions can help.

My writing is only for people who are just starting a blog. Especially on Blogspot, so those who already have a blog don't need to read my writing.

The problem is, I'm embarrassed ... I just found out to create a blog. Already willing to teach others.
So embarrassed ... hahahaha

Actually, to log into a Blogspot (blogger) account is the same as logging into another Google service account, such as Gmail and other services such as Youtube and so on.

First, to log into a blogger account yes ... you must have a blogger account. If you don't have a blogger account, how can you become a blogger?

This is the same as if you wanted to log into a YouTube account, but you don't have a YouTube account yet.

Yes ... You need to have a YouTube account first, then you can sign in to your YouTube account.

Then how do you log in to a blogger account?

Here's an easy way to log into a blogger account:

1. To log into your blogger account, go to the site
2. Klik "SIGN"
3. Type in your email address, then click "next".
4. Type your password when you first create a blog (blogspot), then click "next".

The important thing is that the email and password are correct and not wrong. But if you forget it, just click on the "Forgot Password" section.

But, can you log into your email account?

Also, don't forget the password to enter your e-mail account.

If you forget your email password too. Wow ... have to find another way to get into your email account.

Yes ... hopefully, you will use 2-step verification to log into your email account with your mobile number.

So that later the pin number will be sent to your cellphone to enter your email account.

So there you have it ... the way is quite simple, just enter or log into your blog account (blogspot).

Hope this article helps ...

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