
Shy princess plant

A thorny shrub, the leaves immediately close when touched.

Jukut pendul images free

Jukut pendul is a grass plant in the family Cyperaceae. With the characteristics of having flowers resembling…

Bamboo Forest

The bamboo forest guarantees an air pollution-free environment and maintains the fertility of the surrounding…

Purple paper flower

Beautiful and attractive purple paper flowers at the same time beautiful.

Gletang Wild Plants

The Gletang plant is a wild plant and is considered a weed, this plant belongs to the Asteraceae tribe.

Melinjo tree or fruit

Melinjo tree or belinjo is a tree-shaped open seed plant that can reach a height of 10 meters originating fro…

Stachytarpheta urticifolia

Stachytarpheta urticifolia plants are considered by farmers and some as weeds. Because it is considered distu…

Red Pagoda Flower

Free image of pagoda flower, is a cone-shaped flower that has a red color that usually lives in the wild or o…

Young mango leaves

Growth of young leaves on a mango tree. Images are free to use or 100% free without conditions.

The leaves fall from the fungus

This image can be obtained free of charge without any copyright. But any backlinks to the site are greatly ap…

Free Images Copyright Cocoa Beans

Cocoa beans are the basic ingredient for making chocolate. Cocoa trees can thrive in tropical climates such a…

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